Now that we have some posts lets create some routes.
Make routes.js
look like:
'/': function () {
return 'home';
'/posts': function (tags) {
// Set the query to all
Session.set('postQuery', {});
return 'postList';
'/posts/:id': function (id) {
// Set the session var 'postId' - we will use this value in our
// template helper to query for the correct post.
Session.set('postId', id);
return 'postDetail';
'/posts/tags/:tag': function (tag) {
// Set the query to tags matching the passed tag
Session.set('postQuery', {tags: tag});
return 'postList';
Create the postList
<template name="postList">
<ul class="thumbnails">
{{#each allPosts}}
<li class="span2">
<a href="/posts/{{_id}}">
And add the following template helpers:
Template.postList.allPosts = function () {
// return the posts matching the query set in the routes.
return Posts.find(Session.get('postQuery'));
When you visit http://localhost:3000/posts you should see:
Full body text will go here...
And When you visit http://localhost:3000/posts/tags/first you should see:
Full body text will go here...
Create the postDetail
<template name="postDetail">
And add the following template helpers:
client/views/posts/post_detail.js = function () {
// use the 'postId' session variable to retrieve the correct session
// based on the url.
return Posts.findOne({_id: Session.get('postId')});
When you visit http://localhost:3000/posts/:postID you should see:
Full body text will go here...